Party Hamster \m/

Party Hamster \m/
I see you. Someone holding me. I seeeeee youuuu.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Awesomest Elementary Year Evahh

Awesomest Elementary Year Ever; A.K.A, Grade 4!! 
OMG. IMY dudes. (T. ALma's b-day party)
 Kylla, our class photographer before :P Took pics almost everyday :3
Clarence=The anime lover.
Sophia=the LOL-er
Cleyanne=the awesome one XD 

Caleb. Tsk, tsk, tsk, so proud of his glow-in-the-dark jacket
The rest are... well, posing for the cam (EXCEPT BRYAN :O :O ).

Juan = class clown :)) STILL SEMI-BALD?!?

all the boys were totally into the "punch" hand thingy :))

Ok. See how awesome we were? :>
What a face! :P :)) caleb and juan luis

the awesome patintero games :) OH LOOK

 Okay. I just wanna say I miss this class like hammy. THE BEST ELEMENTARY BATCH EVER.

Oi, Ondoy

 Ondoy, On doy, Ond oy, Ondoy :| Not-so-happy anniversary, Ondoy, :| BTW, thanks for the unexpected INDOOR swimming pool.

 We all have our crazy alibis on what we were doing during the terrible Typhoon, Ondoy. Mine is really COOL =)). I had a near death experience ;) .
 But unfortunately I'm not in the mood to "make kuwento", so I'll just summarize it.

 I eat lunch. Rain starts. I play guitar. Rain; very, very heavy. I still play guitar. Flood begins (very unusual where I live). I keep playing guitar. Flood reaches our front step (Ethan and I were intrigued.). Papa begins to worry, tries to stop the water from entering. I still play guitar. Flood enters house. Try to save things. Flood reaches my knees in the house. I take our important belongings (heh. I forgot to save my cellphone.) and stash them in the highest shelf. Ethan panics. Our furniture is floating. When everything is stacked, we pack a few of our dry clothes, and evacuate (I BROUGHT MY HOMEWORK!! \:D/ SIPAG, no? :D). The flood is like a river, there's a strong current. Ethan is crying. Water reaches my chest, tip-toeing. My slipper falls of, I try to retrieve it, I get separated from papa, I feel like I'm going to die, construction worker helps me, I step on a squishy thing. We reach our destination. Water reaches my chin, tip-toeing.

 Nothing much happened after that. We just stayed at a friend's house and waited. :)

 BTW my brother, Elijah was at school, having the time of his life eating spam and stuff like that. My mom, on the other hand, was having thee worst time of her life stuck in mini-stop. She had an adventure of her own, but I shall tell you about that maybe some other time.

 WELL, anyway. Thank you to everyone who helped me and my family during Ondoy :) really appreciate it!

 BTW.. I actually had fun evacuating :)) I even said to my dad, as we battled the current, "Hey pa, at least we're burning fat!"

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Report card, HOW DARE YOU?

 Not that I got a bad grade or anything, I got a good grade :) \:D/ \m/ But something got me asking, "How the hammy did that happen?"
 Oh, wait, no... I didn't say it like that... I said it like this:


 I honestly do NOT know how or why I got that grade, and someone else got THAT grade (confused? Good. I can't point out any names here.).

 My dear Report card,
  Thank you for giving me good grades in these subjects <blah blah>. But whatever happened to this and this subject? Why aren't they... well... not good? WHY, BRO, WHY???
                                                                                                                            Your, uhh, student,

>_< ''

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blog Topic?

 I don't know what to talk about in this blog, so I'm just going to write random stuff.
 I watched Glee for the first (and the last) time yesterday. Charice was okay... but mom said it was evident she was acting, and her cheeks were so cute and big and cute :)). And I also discovered something about Finn.... ahem .... (no offense :>)

 Finn. Can't. RAP.

 Seriously. He can't. But the dude with polio can!! :)) And in the "Billionaire" part, that Asian dude who was dancing totally ruined the scene :|.

 Now what? Oh yeah, I have a question: What's "Forbe's Magazine?"

 Speaking of Rap (see up there ^^ there's a capitalized word: RAP.), have you noticed his kilay? :)) Sorry, excuse the Tagalog word. I meant, have you noticed his eyebrows? Wow.... Okay if you haven't, Rap's eyebrow's are... let's say... unusual! Yes, very unusual.

 I have another question!! What's Formspring?

 OMG! Eyebrows.. yes, eyebrows.... now I remember something quite weird. Have you seen Puck's (from Glee) eyebrows? They sorta look like this! ---> \:|. Weird.....

 BTW all of the "have's" that I've typed in this blog first came out as "habe". Notice the "v" is right beside the "b" so I press "b" sometimes...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Dress-Up Week... OVER?!?

 For days I have anticipated this: Dress-Up Week. Now it's over? Wow. Time does go by so fast. But that's not the point of this post.

 The first day was all about socks. Everyone (well, almost everyone :| ) went to school in colorful, "hip" socks. But some of them told me the night before that they only owned WHITE socks, so finding hip socks would be a problem.
 The second day was sporty. Everyone (I mean, almost everyone) had unique costumes, and there was this guy in a fencing outfit (haha) and Sweet even brought a big wake-board (or whatever it's called). I wore a plain old basketball jersey :D
 3rd day: Wannabee. Everyone (okay, almost everyone) asked me: "Do you want to be a hippie when you grow up?" ... I'd reply, "I want to be an Environmentalist :| " <--- serious face.
You see, I was dressed as a hippie :D
 On the 4th day, the whole class had colored hair. Yepp, Thursday was Hair Day. Jan won, thanks to her completely silver hair (other's would call it something else :P ). I had an emo-look, thanks to my purple highlights.
 The fifth day was PAJAMA PARTAYY! <fist pump> Ohyess.  Students all went to school in their jammies, or sleeping clothes. It was fun to see little kids play dodge-ball, running around in their nighties and pajamas. :)) BTW, I brought an extra-extra large teddy bear :))

 Sad, the Dress-up week's over. I wish we could do this sort of thing more often. I really enjoyed wracking my brains for a new costume. I even decorated my own shirt \:D/ (for the hippie outfit, I wrote "Reduce. Reuse. Recycle." on the front and the recycle sign on the back).

Friday, September 10, 2010

We Fulfilled her 3rd Wish :3

 Yes, we all know it was Ms. Laylabaloo's birthday PARTAYYY (ohyess. the awesomest dance partaayyy) yesterday. But did you know that we were able to fulfill one of her 3 birthday wishes? :) Tears-of-joy time.
 Her first wish was to get a scholarship. :)
 Her second wish was that she'd finish the grades thing. :D
 Her third wish was that she'd get a "surprise". But the surprise she wanted was that the grades thing wouldn't be due on Monday, or something. ANYway, she DID get a surprise :3 A surprise pizza partaayyy!

 NOW is the tears-of-joy time....

 Ms. Layla said that her birthday was celebrated with her students only twice in her years at VCIS. One was with my kuya, Elijah de la Calzada, on her FIRST year at VCS. The second was YESTERDAY (ohyess.) with MEEEE!!! (snd the rest of the class)
 But it was really cool that my brother was in the first one :).

 One more time, peoples:


And we Partied like YEAH.

Yesterday, I completely forgot to blog about what happened after the pizza party. Thank you, Yana, for reminding me :)
 So, we had the pizza party. People left. <--that totally annoyed me, as aforesaid.

 SO, the REBELS JUST PARTIED LIKE OH MY GOSH. We really partied, all right. A high-school, random dancing party ;).
 Ms. Katie gave me the idea to dance, you see. She was like, "I thought you guys would like have a dance party."

 So when they left, we began dancing those Jersey Shore moves, or fist pump, and Kan-Kan, and the Egyptian awesomeness. Ohyess, we danced like YEAH.
 Sweet had my favoritest food in the world: sushi. And I admit I was a meanie to ask her for some :) :">.

 What else? OHYESS, Thirdy R. dragged me around the floor, which was so awesome, and so did Angeli, which was awesomer (because I was like doing model poses while being dragged around), and even Physically Fit tried to drag me around.... no comment :) PEACE.
 While trying to "strut our stuff" and "catwalk" on the "runway", Thirdy R. rammed into me; I was hoping one of us would dodge, but in the end, no one did, making me a perfect target. WHICH WAS SO AWESOME.
 I wasn't able to finish half a cup of Sprite. Yes, that's right, I half-filled my cup, and I wasn't even able to finish it. Why? Two reasons: 1.) I really hate Sprite, and 2.) Someone thought my cup was theirs, I guess, because I couldn't find my cup after dancing.

 We tried to sing California Girls :D AND FAILED EPICLY.
 So we JUST DANCED. ;)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Debate: Girls Vs. Boys

 I'm blogging about our debates too much. Hopefully, this will be the last... at least for the day, you know ;)

 So, the last debate was Girls Vs. Boys: "Which is the Superior gender?"
-Jeremy says that guys were made first.
-Marge says that guys were made first because you need a "Rough draft" before you have a masterpiece.
-Jeremy says God is perfect and makes no mistakes, so men aren't "rough drafts"
-Cleyanne (YEAHHH!!) sings her song:
   "First is the worst;
   Second is the BEST;
   Third is the one with the hairiest chest!!" <--- btw, I honestly didn't feel comfortable shouting the third part...
-Jeremy claims there are more male leaders in this world
-Sofia says there are lotsa female leaders in the Bible, such as Esther.
-Richmond says something that makes no sense....?

 Sorry I cannot remember the rest... but I do know that the girls won like 7-3 or something like that ;)

Debate: Toblerone Vs. Snickers (continuation)

 I just remembered Lystra's smart argument:

 "'Toblerone is a comfort food'; Well, Jesus Christ should be our only comfort!!" ("Amen, Lystra," said Ms. Katie) I apologize if this isn't what you really said, Lystra, but I believe the main concept's in there ;)

 My retort?

 "There are some NON-Believers out there, and before we tell them about Christ, THEY NEED THAT COMFORT FOOD, MAN!! THEY NEED IT! THEY NEED TOBLERONE!!"

 Okay, now I shall tell you about the Snickers' argument against us...

 We (Toblerone) said, "What's the use of having a long expiry date, if you're just going to eat it?"
 Snickers retort: "WE HAVE THE FREEDOM OF CHOICE, DUDE, which means, we shall eat it when we want to!!"

 Lookie here, okay, Snickers was totally pwning us, okay? I just don't remember what they said that was really smart and mean.

 BTW in the end, Snickers said: "TOUCHE."

You Can't Stop the Rain.

 Who won? That's right...

 US. \m/

 Who's "us"? TOBLERONE. Ohyess. (honestly, though, I like Snickers better :>)
 Anyway, we had the upper hand, since we were able were able to have the last "say".
 I wish I could type out the whole argument, and I wish Angeli, our photo-grapher, and camera-woman, videoed it. But alas, I cannot remember everything, and Angeli hadn't recorded it.
 I can bring up the point wherein Marge brought up the argument, "Snickers is Environmental-friendly, and Toblerone's case kills trees, since it's cardboard."
 What did I say?
 "Toblerone's case is biodegradable, and Snickers' plastic wrapper isn't. It's just going to pollute this world. It causes floods. YOU CAN'T STOP THE RAIN, MAN!"
 Then Marge, Lystra, Kim, (all are from the Snickers' team) and I (Toblerone) get into a major-major argument, and Ms. Katie had to shush them. HAH (peace, no hard feelings, Snickers, okay? :D)!
 Here's a tip for future debates, if you're against me:

 Do not bring up anything about environmentalism, because I am bound to pwn you. <-- ohyess, I know I'm super mayabang here :>.

 PS: Marge says WHATEVER.

Lasted 10 mins, but was still AWESOME.

 We made someone happy today :)
 Who is this person, of whom we made happy? Ms. LAYLABALOO!! >:D<
 Yesterday was Ms. Layla's birthday. She told us in devotions that she wasn't able to have a party, and that she was stressed from grades. BTW, I winked at Kim because we, the HS1, had a trick up our sleeves (but apparently she had no idea what I was winking about... which ruined my moment...)
 Thirdy R. suggested we'd throw her a pizza party, and some of us began chipping in money. Physically fit ran back and forth from our classroom to the office to clarify what pizzas we'd be buying :)).
 So we're all whispering and giggling in the excitement during Reading and Writing class. For some UNKNOWN reason, Physically Fit and Thirdy R. pulled out the plastic cups for the soft drinks. WHY DID THEY?
 Anyway, Ms. Layla says it's lunchtime. most of us leave the class, to not make it obvious that their were 4, hot pizza's waiting in the clinic. Others stayed behind, like always. Then we burst into the classroom, singing "Happy Birthday" at the top of our lungs. Then we had a major-major group hug!
 Sadly, and honestly, I do not know what Ms. Layla's reaction was, because the HS1 peeps are so tall. But I do remember her smiling :D
 Ms. Layla prayed for the pizza. Jeremy and Richmond attack the pizza. James sneaks the 4th pizza away from the group, and  fortunately, I was already away from the group, so I took a slice outta the pizza that James took.
 Richmond and Jeremy ate 2 pizza slices and I hate it. Like they donated a lot of money.
 Anyway... Sofia ended up without a pizza slice, so Yana had the initiative to give her 2nd slice to her. Yes, Yana attempted to get two slices.
 BTW, Yana and Thirdy R. also stole the only beverage that I wanted to drink, which was the Root Beer.
 ANYWAY, after I finished my slice, I looked at the clock and was like, "OMG, wow... wala pang five minutes, ubos na ung pizza :))!" It was true! The clock said, 12:03.
 Some people "ate and ran", which really irked me, since they basically left us to do the cleaning (but we didn't, really), but we (Ms. Layla, Yana, Marge, Thirdy R., Angeli, and a buncha other peeps that I can't remember at the moment) stayed to party!!
 So, we basically went crazy (though Ms. Layla had to leave after a while), had a dance party, and did that Jersey Shore thingie... got headaches, but was totally worth it!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Awesome Stunt.

 Yeah, so we all know that last Tuesday was our Buwan Ng Wika. And yes, I do know that this is a major-major late post, but hey, at least I'm posting, right? Anyway, we played awesome Filipino games, such as Agawang Panyo, Luksang Tinik, and LUKSANG BAKA!! <-- I got excited when I typed that...
 So, in Luksang Baka, there is a cow, and we jump over it. As the levels advanced, we'd add another cow. I was doing pretty well (tee-hee) until there were 4 cows. It seemed so impossible O.O, I requested someone to jump before me. So, Nick, the all-time show-off, jumped over them, "without hands", and we're all standing there, gaping, like, "WHAT? HOW?!?" And Nick's jogging around, looking all smug-like. Y'all probably know how TALL Nick is, so I wasn't so sure I could jump and succeed, so I asked Sofia to go before me.
 And she did.
 AND HERE COMES HER AMAZING STUNT!!! <--I got excited when I typed that...
 She runs... she jumps... she's in the air... BAM. SHE'S FLAT ON HER FACE!
 "OMG OMG OMG OMG! Sofia! Are you okay?!?" we all practically shouted. She was up in a jiffy, and she didn't look hurt at all. MAN, she is TOUGH!!

 Well, her stunt didn't really encourage me to jump over the four cows... "Angeli, can you go first? :D"
 "Sure," replies Angeli. She runs... she jumps... she's in the air... SHE MAKES IT TO THE OTHER SIDE?!? Wow... she's athletic, my golly, she's athletic.
 Her jump encouraged me to jump! AND NOW IT'S TIME FOR MY AWESOME STUNT!!!!!! <-- I got excited when I typed that :>...
 I run... I jump... I'm in the air... I GET AN AWESOME IDEA IN A SPLIT SECOND, NOT TO MENTION IN MID-AIR!!... BAM. I. Am. On. 4. Cows.
 They served as a "bed". I was on super-man mode, so I basically was on a "flying" position on the 4 cows. For like, 3 seconds, I just lay there =)) then the cows and Angeli started moving and carrying me and basically half-pushed, half-carried me off.

 It was so awesome. Did anyone take my picture?

 BTW I got 4 different cows' sweat on my one shirt. It. Was. DISGUSTING. And Kleid's sweat dominated.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

So, You've Heard of the DSF

 Yeah, the Dodge-ball Something Federation (look, I forgot what the "S" stands for, okay?) is what I'm talking about, here. You guys really need a referee. If you already do, good...
 You guys need a referee because I've noticed a lot of cheaters and liars (no offense... hehe). From watching a few of your games, I can see that some of your players can stretch the truth here and then. Yeah, that's right, you guys lie a lot... now, I shan't point out any names, but some claim that they had been hit on the head, when I had seen perfectly and clearly the dodge-ball hit the body. Yes, person, YES, YOU PERSON, YOU, I see it hit you!! Anyway, yeah...
 Be fair next time, won't you? YES YOU, PERSON, YOU!!

There are Some Frustrations in Life

 Yes, there are lots of disappointments, annoying moments, pains, and frustrations in life.

Need some examples?
-that annoying fact that there's nothing worth eating in the fridge <-- that always happens
-failing an exam <-- never happened to me, thankfully, but might've happened to you :(
-that humiliating time you tripped in public <--... I'd rather not talk about this one... :">
-the fact that you know someone will always be better than you <-- this ALWAYS irks me.
-when there's nothing to watch in TV <-- not such a big deal, really.
-tripping in PE :(( <-- true story, bro
-when your deepest, darkest secret is unveiled, thanks to one of the blabbermouths <-- :(( Let's just say we all have that friend who can't keep their mouths shut :|
-when your little brother drinks your soda. YOUR SODA. THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE YOURS. <--happens all the time.

 And a lot of other things. Just know that whenever a disappointment, an annoying moment, a pain, or a frustration comes your way, God's always there :D, and he'll help you out ;).

We All have that Special Craving.

 Face it: all of us at least once in a while have that strong desire, or craving. Right now I am craving for dark, daaark chocolate. Just the mere thought of that smooth, sweet piece of chocolate melting in your mouth; the mere thought of those dark brown, lovely delights sitting in your hand, waiting to be eaten, it gives your stomach the urge to growl. Ugh. Why did I just describe it like that? Now I really, really want it. REALLY, REALLLYYY want it. Now, will you excuse me; I shall raid the fridge, to see if we have any chocolates :).

 Now, I know I'm not the only one who has that craving. You know that you want chocolate, right now ;). Admit it :D Tee-hee :))

 Okay, okay, I'm sorry for arousing your craving to eat chocolate (if I did arouse your stomach), I just had that intense urge to share it with you :)

 By the way, I just came back from raiding the fridge. It was unsuccessful. I did not find any dark chocolates, only the usual milk chocolates. Siomai :(.

It's Wonderful. It's Annoying.

 Imagine yourself, snug on your bed, about to sleep, but your brain just won't shut down. Your eyelids are drooping, your physical body tries to slip into the dream world... but your brain just won't follow. Your thoughts won't stop flooding your mind, your mind won't stop thinking. You want to sleep, but you can't; all because your brain won't go to sleep. Isn't that annoying?
 Well, I experience this every night. Bedtime is at 8:30 for me, on schooldays, but I fall asleep at about 10:30, because my mind chooses to stay conscious. 'T'is really, realllyyy annoying sometimes, but then, it also gives me the time to think about the events that happened that day, and it gives me ideas on what I should write about.

 Another wonderful-annoying thing? I have none, at the moment, that are worth blogging about, but maybe in the future I shall have more interesting topics.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Random Wars.

 Well, me and random people have the Random Wars. What is a Random War? A Random War is when two or more people have an epic battle of who can be randomer. Try not to repeat what your opponent said, though, because that's exactly how you lose. Here's an example of a Random War with Ethan:

microsoft word?
microsoft powerpoint?

Btw, the randomer you get, the funner the game is!! 

Is this It?

 No, no! It cannot be! NOOOO!

 A while ago, my mom received a phone call from my aunt. My aunt wanted to take my Cookie, my little Bassett Hound, my first dog, ever. I've always been proud of her breed, btw, she's a Hush Puppy ;).
 Lately my mom's been getting really annoyed by Cookie, because Cookie really stinks. Literally. No matter how many baths, no matter how many times we clean up her little "area", she still stinks. A LOT. I understand mom's pain, but I want to keep my dog, too, you know. Plus, you never know what my aunt shall do to her... O.o
 I don't know if mom will agree, but I'll spend more time with Cookie while I still can. A while ago, I walked her for about half an hour or more, walking around the whole village. I wished I could walk her alone, but my mom forced my older brother to come with me. Which sucked :P. Anyway, Cookie really explored. It made me feel really sad to have to let her go (if we really give her away).

 Cookieeee!! :(

Friday, September 3, 2010

Major-Major Mistake?

 That's a very good question, Ms. Sweet Panlilio. In my 13 years of existence, I shall admit I have made quite a lot of mistakes, a lot of which are major-major :). But we shan't talk about my mistakes. We shall talk about Mr. Philippine's smart answer! 
 Who is this Mr. Philippines? Drum roll, please!

 <drum roll> And Mr. Philippines is....


 Okay, so, Mr. Philippines' smart answer was: submitting to temptation. He was grounded from eating junk food, but at midnight, he crept to the kitchen and ate some goodies... tsk tsk tsk. 

 I'm sorry, I forgot what else he said :) But...
 Congrats, Mr. Philippines!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


 So, I ask for suggestions for a male character's name. Juan's answer? "Bob."
 I think I can tell you a bit about our conversation...
 "I need a name for the guy," says I.
 "Name him 'Bob'!" exclaims Juan.
 "But...?" urges Juan.
 "'Bob' sounds like a name for some fat person..." (errm, no offense to you people who are named Bob... eheh)
 "I know!!" says Juan, gleefully.
 "...:| "<--- serious face.

Now that I blog about it, "Bob" seems like a cute name. But I doubt it shall be the name of the male character :\. :)))

The Intoxicating Smell of Coffee

 As aforesaid in my previous blog, "The Science PACE is fun!!", I am currently blogging in the office. I shall call the office, "headquarters", now, since "headquarters" sounds awesomer!


 Anyway, the headquarters smells of coffee. The intoxicating, delicious, awesome, mouth-watering smell of coffee.

 It smells good, in other words :P.

 I can't have coffee, because I might not sleep tonight, and we all know the consequences of sleeping late: waking up late. So, no coffee for me! T_T
 What makes it hard is the rest of the people in the headquarters are drinking coffee, so I just stare longingly  at the cup from my peripheral vision, and smell the smell of coffee.
 I can imagine, like in cartoons, the coffee smell see-able (ugh, the correct term for "see-able" escapes my mind, at the moment :D so, stick with "see-able"), a whiff of smoke puffing out of the little styrofoam cup, whirling around my head, and I sniff it in.

 It mocks me, I tell you; mocks me.

 How I wish I had a clogged-nose.

The Science PACE is FUN!!

 The title above is actually quite untrue for me and my classmates. Science is honestly not fun at all, in my opinion (no offense, Ms. Janet, and the rest of you science lovers). The science PACE is even worse (in my opinion, as well). I'm a 1st year high-schooler, and yet we are learning the Gas Laws already, which is supposed to be taught and learned in 3rd year :| sewiouswyy :(( We're too young!

 "What's happening to the world nowadays?! Teaching this to 1st years? ABSURD!" said one of the people in the office (in which I am currently blogging). I agree, I agree (once again, no offense T_T)

 I've been working on this one, particular problem, that uses the Ideal Gas Equation, or the Combined Gas Law, and it's taken me more than 7 tries to get it right. MORE THAN SEVEN. Using a calculator, mind you (yes, we're allowed \:D/). Ouchh!!

 Anyway, I must learn to love Science, as I have learned to "love" (AHEM, that's quote on quote: "LOVE") Math; and I only "love" it because I understand the concepts of our lesson, and the techniques (btw I got a fair grade on the exam... but I'm so annoyed with myself for having mistakes caused by carelessness :\).

 I heard that I missed the NASA. Is that so? What was it about?