Party Hamster \m/

Party Hamster \m/
I see you. Someone holding me. I seeeeee youuuu.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Reading Other Peeps' Blogs

 I read other people's blogs. And guess what? I realized something...


 Okay so here I go...

 I don't know when, I'm not sure how, I don't know who did it, but I do know that a bus was involved :D And Chinese people :-bd  and who can forget the SWAT team?

 The end :D ...
 ... just kidding :))

 This dude becomes crazy and attacks a bus (actually, he goes inside the bus, and kills a few CHINESE people, and then ... I dunno, slept? :-?? ) . Anyway, the SWAT team comes, and sadly just get humiliated :(( I feel... a-s-h-a-m-e-d :((


Monday, October 25, 2010

Bees. Wasps. Acids. Alkaline.

 I. am. confused. : |
 We have this Science DOC, and the topic I chose was Alkali. I research. I discover cool things. Who knew bee stings contained acids (my older brother :| )? Who knew wasp sting venom contained alkali (my brother did)?
 My brother said that the bee sting can be neutralized by applying alkaline, and wasp stings can be neutralized by applying acid.
 I see this site that says the stings CAN'T be neutralized... and I'm like, "KUYAAA!! You was wrong, bro, you was WRONG!"
 Kuya: "What?"
 Me: "You were wrong! :P *explains why*"
 Kuya: *gives the "whatever-I-don't-care-at-all" look*

 Since kuya's <ahem-ahem> rarely <cough-cough> wrong <ACHOO> when it comes to stuff like this, I decided to do some research.
 AND I came across this site where all these people share their experiences on wasp/bee stings, and they all say that the stings can be neutralized :\ O.O. WTHAMMY why is this so hard?!?

 I guess I'll go with the "neutralizing" part :P

Huh? I have!

 In reply to whoever's (sorry I don't remember who :P ) blog, I HAVE BEEN BLOGGING : |

 But whatcha say (OHOH that song is my LSS) is true, my dear fellow blogger. Every time I check out my Blogger Dashboard, it shows me no new blog :\ tsk tsk.
 So when I saw your blog on my dashboard, I WAS SO HAPPYYYYYY!! Foinalleh, someone blogged!! \:D/

 Okay I have nothing else to say O.O :-h bye.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

FRO-YO... and other Stuffies :)

 "I lift my fro-yo in the air sometimes, 
 Saying AYOOO, gonna eat yo!!
 I throw my fro-yo in the air sometimes, 
 Saying AYOOO, oh, it feeeell, bro!!
 And we will clean this thing,
 Like a walis ting-ting
 Would just sweep it up
 Into a little cup..."

 Still working out the kinks, but I'll have the song finished soon ;)

 Anyway, DANIKA's and SWEET's epic birthday celebrations were epic :3 (yes, redundant :| ). We went swimming, eating, more swimming, more eating, TRYING (but failing terribly) to prank each other, "FROG LEGS" (if you know what I mean ;) ), Making parodies for the song, "Dynamite" (see chorus above), and playing awesome, kiddie games :3.

 This morning, Sweet tried to wake us all up by turning on the lights. And almost everyone did :)) I was half awake... So Sweet TRIED to pull a prank on me, by SMEARING WHIPPED CREAM ON MY FACE. And I was like, "Sweet, you DO know that I'm awake, don't you? :|" <---serious face :))

 OMG. I got to the SECOND PAGE of a Hardy Boys book \:D/ so proud!! <---sarcastic :P :)) (what?? I was sleeeeepyyyyy!!)
 I got to the... umpteenth page of Red Pyramid \:D/ ohyess. (you see, I was about to sleep, then I caught a glimpse of Red Pyramid, so I asked Clarence if I could borrow it...:D :-bd).

 HWOAH. KDDM? EPIC. And I mean it. EPIC. Even Ms. Lynn was having a good time :-bd

Friday, October 15, 2010

~epic field trip was epic~

 We arrived at school to find teachers PARTAYYYINGG!! \:D/ CLUB EWAN ALL OVER AGAIN!! \m/

 ^That's not the point of this blog.^

  -Best part was the bus...
  -Mainit sa Theatre (Alam mo, mare, and init-init talaga :))) ) but the play was "okay". :D :-bd...
  -Best part was the bus...
  -The bamboo organ was pretty cool, but it was also scary :| it felt as if the floor was going to break :O
  -You have to admit, the best part was the bus!!
  - PANCAKE HOUSE!!!! <fire drill dance> \m/
  -The Philippine Airforce Museum was really cool!! (But I think the wax people are going to give me nightmares :-S)
  -THE BUS TRIP. <--- you know what Imma say next ;) ...
     WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 We had SING-A-LONGS (OUTTA TUNE :| :P :)) )
 We had KUYA RANDY (and the Candy Man song!!)
 We had SLEEPING PEOPLE (~epic face was epic :)) ~)
 We had TOY CELLPHONE MUSIC (... no comment)
 We had NICE PARTY MUSIC (I've Gotta Feelin', etc)
 We had MODEL WALKS. (strut your stuff on that "runway".... "THE MODEL'S BEST FRIEND IS THE LAYT," by Tyra Banks XD)
 We are awesome people. JUST SAYINGG ;;) :))

 Long story short I ate pancakes.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


 Back to the 70's. TO THE TIME MACHINE! <background music>

 Today, October 13, 2010, was Mrs. Rocha's, Bea Delos Reyes', and Maxine's birthday. :D HAPPPPP - - - B-B-B-B- - - IRTH - - - DAYYYY!

 We all dressed up in 70's get-up, and you have to admit... we were an odd bunch :)) Seriously, it was from afro to rugged, unkempt hair; from hippie to disco dancers (yes, hippies are actually from the 60's :| ); from shiny to bell bottom pants :)) LOL.

 The reason why my shirt was too big (as in, TOO BIG :| tubig :)) <----okay, ignore that joke :\ ) was because it wasn't mine; it was my brother's. NO, not ETHAN's, my BIG brother, Elijah.

 ANYWAYYYY... a group of kids (LOL. A group of kids and an OLD-LOOOKING HIPPIE (Ethan) recited a poem for Mrs. Rocha, and some of the staff danced ~Epic dance was epic~ :3 :)) (GO MS. LYNN <-- the most passionate dancer :P ), and the media (is it called the media? :-S sowwy if I'm wrong :(( ) sang a song. So did the teachers. "MAY ISANG CHIKADING..." :))

 IT was all very funny :))

Monday, October 4, 2010

Um Whatcha Say...

 La Lang it's my LSS... We watched this ballet competition, you see, and the song that the winning team danced to was "Whatcha Say", and it was all really cool.


 Even my mom was like, "They've really matured, ah, you can see the emotion!! THE DANCE, it's SO FULL OF EMOTION...!"

 I was really annoyed at the fact that we couldn't cheer the ballerinas on. So we just jumped around in our squeaky seats, pretending to clap. And even Mr. Ryan joined in on the "clapping".

 It was evident Yana had never watched a recital before, because she kept on talking (well, so did I... but she was noisier :)) ). So did Ange... and we wrote down some comments on the dances.

 Woah, woah, WOAH... WE MISSED THE AWARDING CEREMONY :O gasp, oh gasp. GASP. I missed it. And I dragged Yana along with me :)) I reallyyyyy needed to do something... anyway, dudes, the awarding was like 10 mins long :O ONLY... WHY U NO MAKE IT LONGER, BRO, WHY BRO, WHY??