Party Hamster \m/

Party Hamster \m/
I see you. Someone holding me. I seeeeee youuuu.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

My new username?

 It was a "spur of the moment" thing, okay? I couldn't stick with people knowing I was Cleybelita, so Barbie seemed like the perfect username. Yeah... weird... okay, think you have awesome usernames that I could use? Comment if you have better usernames (I doubt it). It'd require randomness or complete stupidity :)). No bad words, please and thank you.

 Just to let you know, I'm grounded :| and it sucks like _ _ _ _ o. Crabsticksssss I don't like being grounded :((

 Omg I'm not even supposed to be blogging.... so anyway, bye for at least... a week? idk... T_T pray that I'll be able to go online sooner :))

Saturday, August 28, 2010

"Caleb is eyeing Juan Luis' Sandwich."

 I don't blame him. At all. Man, did that sandwich taste good, or what? In a scale of 1 to 10, one being the least favorite and 10 being the best, I'd give it a 9! (Sowwy Juan(: I was in shock when I tasted it) What's that? Never tasted it before? Hmm... I'll tell you what I think was in the sandwich, and you imagine what it will taste like, okay? Okay.
 So, I think Juan's sandwich contains:
  -something like mayo but actually tastes good
  -BREAD :)) duhh

 Okay, I probably eavesdropped on what the sandwich was made out of; I'm not sure. But it was pretty obvious that there was chicken and bread :P

 Thumbs-up, Juan (and your sandwich)!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

So, It's 1:25 AM.

 And I'm still awake. Not to mention, breaking the rules. But I absolutely have to blog about this!!

 My cousin died.

 No, I'm not joking :| <---see the serious face? Good.
 BTW, I have a lot of cousins. The one who died was a "special" child. He got a heart attack some time ago (maybe a week or 2), and was rushed to the hospital. I don't fully understand how it all happened; all I know is that he puked blood all the time.
 Yesterday, we got the devastating news that there was no hope, and that they'd gradually remove the machine that was keeping him alive. Mom says he was basically dead already, except for that puny, little 5% of life in his brain. :((
 I only heard the news after school (after exams, WOO-HOO!...ish...), when my dad picked me and my brother up. Ethan (de la Calzada, btw), the blabbermouth of all time, blabbed in front of Juan Luis and Caleb the sickening news. Ugh.

 Yes, I know this is a really serious blog, but I have to mention this: Juan Luis' chicken sandwich tastes good.

I was a Spy.

 Yeah, I really was a spy (not really). Agent Fujisaki; that's me, alright. COMPLETE WITH FAKE I.D.!! <--that's the truth. I really did bring a fake I.D. And it made me feel awesome.
 Anyway, back to the point. Yes, I was a spy. Along with my fellow agents, Agent Gilligan and Agent Orange (we're all cousins here). Who did we spy on? The odd couple.
 The odd couple is, well, a couple. But they're very peculiar... they did a lot of weird stuff.
 We first saw them at the beach in a red kayak. My cousins and I started talking about renting a kayak ourselves. Then, it happened:
 The couple fell of their kayak. :))
 Ahem....err...:)) Okay, I'd love to say I concealed my laughter, but that'd be a lie. A MAJOR LIE. Yes, I laughed so hard. But my cousins laughed harder, okay? We didn't know they could hear us; they were so far from us (but turns out my uncle, who was even farther from us than them, heard our laughter clearly).
 Then after that, we started spying on them... ahem.. yeah....
 They decided to swim after dragging their kayak to the shore; with their clothes on! How weird is that?
 Anyway, after a bit of swimming, the dude walked out of the water, and ran all the way to the other side of the beach. Yeah, the other side. Do you know how friggin' big the beach is (okay, it was a pretty small beach... but still!!)? Anyway, when he was as small as an ant in our view, he... did something unspeakable... then he ran back to the girl.
 The girl, meanwhile, was TTS: Tanning with her T-Shirt on. She was just lying on the sand... weird... anyway, so when the dude reached her, he started doing push-ups. How weird--? ("Maybe he's trying to impress the girl?" I said. My cousin replied, "I wouldn't be impressed." )
 Next he buried her in the sand. Haha, they looked so weird. Lol.
 Okay, he came back, with a camera and a tripod. But 20 minutes?!? WOW.
 The next weird thing: the cam was connected to the tripod, but he carried the tripod while taking pictures. WHAT? What's the use of a tripod if you don't set it on the ground?!
 Moving on... OOH they tried boogie-boarding! BUT failed... terribly... no offense.... :)) They kept on falling off.

 That's pretty much it, I think.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Last Minute Vacation

 You guys probably know that I, Cleyanne, was absent from school for 1 3/4 days (Monday and part of Tuesday. I was able to catch some Science, which is our last subject.) Yeah, I was on a last minute vacation. REALLY last minute; I only discovered I was going the day before. So I rushed in packing (haha, I forgot to bring a brush.). Where did I go? To:

 Palawan!! \:D/


 I and my cousins actually saw the underground river. Wow. The underground river stank. Literally. Of bat pee. But otherwise, it was so, friggin, fantastically, faskinatingly AWESOME!!
 The only annoying part in the whole trip inside the underground river was that this foreign couple really stank (literally) and the man kept tipping the canoe, just to take a good picture. Lol his hard hat fell off (and hit ME :|. And I was like, "OMG what the... rocks?!?"). Our canoe almost tipped over completely, thanks to him.
 Oh yeah, we couldn't understand a thing the tour guide was saying, so we were always like, "What?" when the guide pointed out something.
 BTW, the bats were so cute :D they're like fat balls of fur with wings :))

 We also went snorkling, and I saw Nemo, Marlin, and Gill \:D/!! They were so cute! Turns out sea anemones are actually greenish-yellow, and glow in the dark, not pink (well, at least the one I saw was like that).

 Of course, there was food. Glorious food. Wonderful food. Basta. It was all delicious.

 But, I think the major highlight of my Palawan trip was the hilarious couple. But this blog is too long already, so I shall just blog about that later...

 The AIRPLANE was so AWESOME!! It's like a roller coaster ride! We'd go up then down then up then down! YEEEAAHH!! (but the only bad part was the people beside me were really vain so they kept taking pictures of themselves... and in some of the pics they took, I was in the background... yeah, I took a peek at their camera).


Friday, August 20, 2010


 So, I come down from the second floor, just finished one recording for our commercial. There are a bunch of "tambay"-people by the lockers. They see my make-up (see previous blog). Then all of a sudden, in prefect unison:


 Pretty random. Yana said something, and then again, in perfect unison:


 Then Thirdy R. said something, and yet again, they say in perfect unison:


 What in the world?? Yeah, I didn't get it at first either. I still don't get it that much now. All I know is, those "tambay"-people:


 I played it over and over again in my head: "REBEL." It was catchy. And I had the make-up for it ;) So the next time they said it, I joined in with them...


 I think it was Yana who said that I should "lead" them :)) Thanks to my awesome make-up. Tee-hee; I'm touched :D!

 Anyway, rebels, UNITE!!

 One more time:


Wearing make-up is AWESOME... read on to understand

  Wearing make-up? Normally, I'd think: "Ew. Disgusting." But wearing make-up for our Funky Monkey Fusion commercial? That's different.
  First, I didn't wear real make-up. Thirdy R. just used a black marker. He blackened the part under my eye (eyebags or under-eye; thanks for your help, Ethan. Appreciate it.) to make me look emo and gothic; perfect for my part in the commercial. Yes, I am supposedly "emo" in the first part ;). 
  Anyway, after the emo part was shot, I had to remove the make-up (or black marks). But, the make-up wouldn't come off <scary background music>. Man, I'm dead, was the first thing I thought. Yes, I did somewhat get into trouble (at home). And the make-up aroused some unwanted attention. 
  Another awesome thing about the make-up: I got to be called the "leader" of the REBELS. Don't know who the rebels are? WONDERFUL. Another blog idea ;)

"Wow" again. :|

I'm torn between school and my cousins. I love them both, you see... well, maybe not "love" school, but I really need to be there this week T_T. But, unfortunately, my presence shall be missed in the next few days... (or at least Monday and Tuesday). So, I'm afraid, I shan't be able to review with you, my dear classmates. I shan't even be able to present our product: Funky Monkey Fusion -->

   Why won't I be there? Well, my cousin and uncle from America are visiting the Philippines. I'm going on a vacation to Palawan with them, along with my other cousins (my dad has 7 brothers, you see...). So, yeah... :(
   I'm really excited. But, I'm also sad, because that'd mean I wouldn't be able to awesomefy  --- oh wait, fail. Agaun.... <ahem>

  I won't be able to: AWESOMEFY you... :(

  Anyway, I wonder if I'll get a grade in P&P...?



 AWESOME! Hey, Stroid, Stronghold, iHair, AND COOLGATE (:P), get ready to be AWESOMEFIED!! Oh, fail, Imma say that again...
 Hey Stroid, Stronghold, and iHair, get ready to be:  AWESOMEFIED!!
 Yeah, man! 

 Okay, so I cried last Thursday. It's okay now. Because NOW, we have come prepared, with Funky Monkey FUSION (no, it doesn't contain bananas.) <background music, people clapping>

 We have now finished our commercial, and the very last step is to: edit. (Yes, Marge. It's spelled: "editing", not "editting".) Julio will hopefully finish editing it, and hopefully you guys won't notice my make-up (REBEL!). 

 In case you're wondering why I was wearing make-up, you'll know when you watch our AWESOME commercial.

 One more time!!

 Hey Stroid, Stronghold, iHair, and COOLGATE get ready to be: AWESOMEFIED!!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Recording a :|

 Wow. Okay, recording a commercial totally deserves another "wow":

 WOW. :|

Okay, so, rehearsing and recording and rehearsing for a commercial is so WOW. That "wow" is both good and bad...

  It's fun, and seeing our "failed" commercials, or bloopers, makes you feel really hyper and crazy.

  It's sort of stressing to record and pause and record and pause over and over again. Plus, we get so crazy sometimes, we don't get to accomplish much. It's really annoying when you try to commence the commercial, and fail ultimately, because your group mates are too hyper, or they keep lingering around the place.
 Another thing is, when you're trying to record, random people keep talking to the people in the commercial, so we can't continue. T_T UGGH. Random people, can't you see that we're trying to record here??

 Please read this, my dear group mates. You have absolutely NO idea how angry I get when you don't cooperate.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


 Hi, hello there world, I'm Your Aunt Fujisaki. Now, say hello to me, Aunt Fujisaki!! Now, do you know how to pronounce Aunt Fujisaki?? If not, it's pronounced: "Aunt Fujisaki"!! Your Aunt Gilligan is also here. Now, do you know how to pronounce Aunt Gilligan? It's pronounced "Aunt Gilligan"!!
 Now, we may seem reaaaally stupid to you. :)) BUT we're not! We are AWESOME!! And we have even stupider jokesfor you!
 OK, so, two peanuts walked into a bar. One of them was a salted. (hahaHA).
 2 muffins were made. They were put in the oven. 1 muffin says to the other, "wow it's getting hot in here." The other muffin says "OMG a talking muffin!!!"

 Okay, so the truth is, we're just two cousins. Two... AWESOME COUSINS! ... wanting to be weird.

 Buh bye, peoples!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The very word gives me shivers...

 "And what word is this?" you might ask. Well, the word that gives me shivers is: botox. I've heard that word a couple of times before, but I never actuallly knew what it meant... until today (P.S. Thank you so much for telling me what it means, Yana. Ahem, sarcastic.). Well, now I know that botox means... Do you want me to explain it the nerdy way? Or the normal way of the youth? What's that? I can't hear you, so I'm just going to explain it to you in both ways...

  Botox is a neurotoxin (trade name Botox) that is used clinically in small quantities to treat strabismus and facial spasms and other neurological disorders characterized by abnormal muscle contractions; is also used by cosmetic surgeons to smooth frown lines temporarily.

 (Yes, I copied + pasted that.)

  Botox is, like, some medical thingy, a way to make old peoples look younger by, like, removing wrinkles or something. 
 Understand now? Good. 

 Anyway, I heard that the famous Filipina pop singer, Charice Pempengco, is planning to get Botox (shivers). 
 "Why?" I asked, during Reading and Writing class today. 
 "Because she's stupid," I heard someone reply. 
 I believe Charice is getting botox in preparation for the next Glee season. Turns out her rep says it was just to treat jaw pain, BUT her dermatologist says it's to change the shape of her face, which she noticed was getting wider. 
 Some people think it's because Charice's is just conscious of her big cheeks. Personally, I don't have a problem with big cheeks (hee-hee :>). So, shouldn't the same go for Charice? I know, I know, people have their own opinion of things. Fine, Charice, be like that. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Teachers, go easy on us... please?

 In case you didn't know, we are so very young. Only 12, 13, and 14 year olds (except you, Nick.), and yet, even though you already know this, you still give us tons of homework and deadlines. Must you give us so much homework? Our young brains cannot handle this much thinking. All right, I know what goes through your head right now: "Your brains can handle it, you're just lazy." That's what every teacher thinks. But, try to remember your highschool life. Try to remember the way you thought. Yes, you were thinking the same things we were, and you know it: we have too much homework!
 Don't believe me? All right, time to try a different approach.

"Teacher, teacher! Too much homework is bad for the skin."
 Do you want us to have wrinkly, pale skin at such a young age? Of course you don't, dear teacher. Now that you know that it's bad for the skin, will you still give us too much homework? What's that, dear teacher? You'll still give us tons of homework? T_T
 Time for yet another approach...
 "Teacher, teacher! I'm too busyyyy!"
 "No you're not. You're just too lazy."

 Well, it was worth a try. :)

 Hear our plea, Teacher, and at least lessen the homework... please?

Fish. You just gotta love 'em.

 WARNING: The following article may not be allowed to be viewed by fish. Trust me, it's for their own good. 

 Fish. Fishies. Fishes. Fish. Pish.
 Yes, I do believe we all love fish (if you don't... I think you have some sort of problem. Go see a physician, right now.) Fish.
  We all know fish are happy (but boring) pets. All they do is swim... swim... swim... "Oh, look ma, bubbles!"... and bubble. Oh, and of course they eat and sleep... and... other stuff that aren't worth mentioning. You can buy fish at your local petshop.
 Yes, fish is also a verb! We can go fishing at a lake. Go fish with your cousins. Get the point? Good. 
  Another thing all of us probably know: fish taste good. What's that? Never eaten a fish before? WHAT? How could you not eat fish? All right, I want you to go to the nearest sea food restaurant, and order a fish. EAT the fish. TASTE the fish. SAVOR the flavor of the fish. SWALLOW the fish. Taste good, right? Good.

 Well, do you like fish now? Good.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

You expected this...

 That's right, I'm going to blog about hamsters. Ms. Layla, our Reading and Writing teacher, was expecting me to blog about these fuzzy, cute hamsters, so, I shall fulfill her expectations.
 First and foremost, you should know that there's a difference between mice and hamsters. I personally don't have a problem with mice, but I do have a problem when people confuse hamsters with mice. Hamsters are cute. Mice are...ahem... well, not so cute. Unlike mice, that have dispicably disgusting tails, Hamsters' tails are not long and scaly; they have a small, furry stub of a tail on their bottoms that serve as a balancing tool when they stand on their hind legs. Must I elaborate the difference between mice and hamsters some more? Oh, you're good? Good.
 Want to hear my song about hamsters? No? Well, at least read part of my song....
 "Hamsters take a bath: like a, like a, like a, like a massage chair!"

How the hammy can hamsters take a bath like a massage chair? Massage chairs don't even take a bath! Yes, I know my song is very random and unclear. But hamsters tend to vibrate a lot when they groom themselves, and resemble a massage chair. Which is why I compared a hamster to a massage chair in my song.
 You have probably guessed by now that my favorite animal is the kangaroo. L. O. L., jk. My favorite animal is the hamster (DUH!).

Saturday, August 14, 2010

When you see the fishie...

 "When you see the fishie, you let the fishie go past. Not in front. PAST."
 Take these instructions literally, or take it metaphorically.
 People out there, listen to this advice. I shall repeat myself: FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS. Now, do you need me to repeat that again? Or are you good? You're good? Good. I shall not repeat that again.
 Anyway, the reason why you must follow this advice is to learn HOW to follow instructions. Following instructions is very, VERY important. Did you watch Finding Nemo? Of course you did (if you didn't... wow, do you live under a rock, or something?). Remember the part when those fish told Dory to go through the trench, and not over it? And, what did they do? That's right. They went over it. Now, what happened to them when they went over the trench? Yes, Jellyfish came out of no where and almost killed them both. Thanks to the Turtles, they didn't die. But that's a different story. We're trying to focus on the part when they didn't follow instructions.
 Need another instance? All right. There was a kid. She was playing by the side walk. Her mom said not to cross the road. What did she do? Yupp, she crossed the road. What happened? A car ran over her. The end (Hopefully not a true story).
 See? By not following simple instructions, you can DIE. That's right, people, DIE. So, listen to instructions!