Party Hamster \m/

Party Hamster \m/
I see you. Someone holding me. I seeeeee youuuu.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

So, Let's Just Say It's Been Awesome.

 The school year's coming to an end, and it's been awesome, guys. About 2 more weeks :( Mahn, Imma miss all o' you guyss!

 I've learned.... lots of academic stuff, and lots of Godly stuff, too. But the main thing is, I've learned that I can't be the best in everything. You dudes prolly know what i'm talking about since I made a speech about this already, but it's true.

 In my old school, all of my classmates were so lazy and slothful. It was easy to surpass them in almost anything [except *ahem* ping pong :| ]; in studies, in "P.E.", in Scripture memorization, etc. I could always, ALWAYS gradually climb this ladder and get higher than them.

 Then I moved to VCIS and realized, "Hah, honey, you ain't the best at this. And this. AND THIS... etc." And when I got my report card... WAPACK!! A slap to the face. Low grades... [well, not really, but it's not as high as I'd like it to be :P ].

 Try as I might, I still couldn't be the best in a lot of things, though I was pretty good at other stuff [teeheehee :>]. But I gradually realized that everybody's good at something, but not everything.

 SO yes. This is the main thing I've learned in First Year.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Okay, so.. boredom...

 So we all know that I'm not allowed to go tumblr... or Y!Messenger... or facebook..........

 So yeah. I go here :| un4chanately. DAYA. Seriously. It's not asdfghjkl annoying!


 Waaaahhhhhhh :(((((

Friday, January 28, 2011


 Oh, well. This is my 78th blog. Hoorah! :D <--just sayingg.
 So anyway. Since I can't rant on tumble-diddle-doo, I must rant here.

 We have extra homework in the math review...

 And it's HARD! Asdkjgfg dudes, seriously, we need to answer things we didn't even learn. Sound legit?


 Sarcastic here.

 Okay, so what else? Oh yeah. Can I just say....

 Parents moved the computer to their room asakladjfd say good-bye to tumble-diddle-doo. :( No more Facebook, no more Y!Messenger, no more aksjdh jgfs llsdkj Tumblahh.

 Why do things seem incomplete now? What's the use of internet if there's no social networking whatsoever?

 don't things feel unfair.

 Okay, sooo, moving on to positive side, since I'm a positive person! :D (not really... maybe.. aslkjdf idk :P )

 Well, basketball's awesome! And with RockOlympics coming, training isn't an option. IT'S A MUST. My teammates, Kim and Sweet, practiced with me a while ago, and I feel so askdhjgs PROUD! \:D/ They shoot well (sorta) :P. The only problem(S) we have now is, none of us know how to drive, really... so I guess if worst comes to worts, we'll play it like handball.

 OKay, seriously, I'm pretty sure no one will read this, but I wanted to let my feelings out, you know? So anyway. Toodle-dee-doo for now! :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Guess What? IT AIN'T WORKIN'.

 In my opinion, or at least from what I've witnessed/heard, the Anti-Bullying Campaign isn't exactly working :|. Kids still put other kids down, verbally and physically. In other words, kids are still bullying other kids.

 Numerous  measures, like putting up a play supposedly portraying the lives of the unfortunate victims, letting about 2 pastors talk about bullying, and etc, have been taken to prevent bullying at our school. But... I don't think it was enough to persuade the students to quit insulting or teasing other students.

 You [bullies and victims alike] just ought to understand that what you do now, affects the next generation... And if you put each other down, the victim's will probably be so broken, they'll commit suicide, or believe they're as good as trash, and won't do their best in almost anything. 
 If you're the bully, you might get overconfident and believe you're almost "invincible" [thank you Caleb for putting the word in my head :)) ]. Then, after elementary, or maybe high-school, you'll meet the REAL WORLD. The Real World will not bend to all your wishes. The Real World won't be scared of you. In the Real World, you probably have almost no power. It'll probably be really harsh for you to discover the Real World the hard way.

Now, I know perfectly well how it is to be both the bully && the victim.
  Trust me, I know that feeling when you bully, like you feel better about yourself; but you shouldn't bully just so that you could feel superior to the so-called inferior, 'coz that's wrong. Try thinking about the victim's background, how he/she would feel when you hurl those words at them, or when you strike them physically. Do you not feel any guilt whatsoever??
  To be in the victim's shoes, you always have to put on a strong face, except for when the bullying gets too painful, we'd probably cry, try to get even, etc. We feel helpless. Maybe even hopeless. BUT THERE'S HOPE! THERE'S GOD :-bd!

 So anyway, I hope this persuades you to quit bullying :-bd :D