Party Hamster \m/

Party Hamster \m/
I see you. Someone holding me. I seeeeee youuuu.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Guess What? IT AIN'T WORKIN'.

 In my opinion, or at least from what I've witnessed/heard, the Anti-Bullying Campaign isn't exactly working :|. Kids still put other kids down, verbally and physically. In other words, kids are still bullying other kids.

 Numerous  measures, like putting up a play supposedly portraying the lives of the unfortunate victims, letting about 2 pastors talk about bullying, and etc, have been taken to prevent bullying at our school. But... I don't think it was enough to persuade the students to quit insulting or teasing other students.

 You [bullies and victims alike] just ought to understand that what you do now, affects the next generation... And if you put each other down, the victim's will probably be so broken, they'll commit suicide, or believe they're as good as trash, and won't do their best in almost anything. 
 If you're the bully, you might get overconfident and believe you're almost "invincible" [thank you Caleb for putting the word in my head :)) ]. Then, after elementary, or maybe high-school, you'll meet the REAL WORLD. The Real World will not bend to all your wishes. The Real World won't be scared of you. In the Real World, you probably have almost no power. It'll probably be really harsh for you to discover the Real World the hard way.

Now, I know perfectly well how it is to be both the bully && the victim.
  Trust me, I know that feeling when you bully, like you feel better about yourself; but you shouldn't bully just so that you could feel superior to the so-called inferior, 'coz that's wrong. Try thinking about the victim's background, how he/she would feel when you hurl those words at them, or when you strike them physically. Do you not feel any guilt whatsoever??
  To be in the victim's shoes, you always have to put on a strong face, except for when the bullying gets too painful, we'd probably cry, try to get even, etc. We feel helpless. Maybe even hopeless. BUT THERE'S HOPE! THERE'S GOD :-bd!

 So anyway, I hope this persuades you to quit bullying :-bd :D

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